We love dachshunds as much as you do! However, no matter how hard we looked, we couldn’t find any yoga mats with a wire-haired sausage dog, so we created one! Dachshunds are bundles of joy; they are cheerful and protective, give as much love as they take, and have no respect for personal space – which is why we all love them. We offer this dachshund yoga travel mat in different sizes and materials.
The characteristics of this travel mat:
- ‘Nick the Yogi’ yoga travel mat has a microfibre suede surface and a rubber bottom.
- Dachshund’s design was inspired by Circé’s owner’s dachshund Nick.
- This mat is suitable for yogis of all levels, whether you are a beginner or an advanced, handstands-loving yoga teacher or practitioner.
- The surface of this mat is delightful to the touch and is perfect for a more calming and slower yoga practice.
- We want to assure you that no animal products are used during the manufacturing process of all Circé mats. This is a microfibre suede yoga mat, which means that the mat’s surface is made of fiber. Therefore, our mats are suitable for vegans.
- We use the thermal printing method to reduce wastage.
- Get the ‘Nick the Yogi’ mat and always enjoy your yoga practice.
This dachshund yoga travel mat features the following attributes:
- its thickness is 1,5 mm
- measurement 188 x 70 cm
- it is made of natural rubber and has a vegan suede surface
- it has a great grip and is anti-slippery
- offers full support to your knees and wrists
- has been designed on commission, and Yoga Circé s.r.o. is the owner of this artwork
Our values are:
Sustainability – We offer durable, long-lasting products that are from natural materials.
Transparency – We are transparent, we have nothing to hide.
Authenticity – We love authenticity and honesty.
Kindness – Being kind does not cost much but can be very impactful.
Equality – We believe equality should be a stepping stone to building our new society.
Helena (verified owner) –
Velice příjemná a především neklouzová podložka (mám, s čím srovnávat a jsem ohromně překvapená). Originální design.
eng: The best anti-slipper mat that I’ve ever had and the sweet Nick is benefit. Thank you
Katerina –
Moc děkujeme za milou recenzi, Helenko, a jsme moc rádi, že vás podložka příjemně překvapila 💕🌸. Neklouzavost je pro nás důležitá a těší nás, že jsme jí docílili.
Vlaďka –
Nick je prostě láska 🙏🏻🩷Nejkrásnější drsnostrstý jezevčík na světě 🩷😍Miluji jógu a jezevčíky 😍😘 Nejúžasnější pejsci na světě 🩷A stejně i tato Překrásná podložka splňuje moje podmínky 🩷🙏🏻Musím se do ní na první pohled zamilovat 🩷❤️a taky musí být lehoučká jako pírko ,aby mohla být stále se mnou 🙏🏻Moc děkuji za tuto podložku 🩷A rozhodně si musím koupit ještě Harryho 😃aby nebylo Nickovi smutno 😃
Katerina –
Děkujeme moc za milé review, Vladi🌸. Těší nás, že máš naše podložky ráda!