‘Harry the Yogi’ yoga mat
We know that you love dachshunds, and we love them too, and that is why we designed ‘Harry the Yogi’ mat! No matter how hard we were looking, we couldn’t find any yoga mats with a dachshund design on the web, so we created our own unique own! So we can all have one more sausage-related product at home! Dachshunds are bundles of joy; they are cheerful and protective, and to put it simply, they don’t respect personal space – which means they show infinite affection, which is why we love them!
- This mat is perfect for you if you bring your mat with you wherever you travel.
- ‘Harry the Yogi’ mat is made of a microfibre suede surface and a rubber bottom.
- Dachshund’s design was inspired by Circé’s owner’s dachshund Harry.
- This mat is suitable for yogis of all levels, whether you are a beginner or an advanced, handstands-loving yoga teacher or practitioner.
- The surface of this mat is delightful to the touch and is perfect for a more calming and slower yoga practice.
- We want to assure you that no animal products are used during the manufacturing process of all Circé mats. This is a microfibre suede yoga mat, which means that the mat’s surface is made of fiber. Therefore, our mats are suitable for vegans.
- We use the thermal printing method to reduce wastage.
- Get the ‘Harry the Yogi’ mat and always enjoy practising yoga.
This yoga mat features the following attributes:
- its thickness is 1.5 mm
- measurements 188 x 70 cm
- it is made of natural rubber and has a vegan suede surface
- it has a great grip and is anti-slippery
- offers full support for your knees and wrists
- has been designed on commission, and Yoga Circé s.r.o. is the owner of this artwork
A beige or pink strap can accompany this mat. Or read some of our blog posts!
Please note that Yoga Circé s.r.o. has commissioned this artwork, which must not be replicated.
Nicola –
Really love the Dachshund Mat! This design is truly unique and the quality is amazing! Like to use it for hatha and vinyasa yoga flows!
Katerina –
Thank you for your lovely comment, Nicole. Really glad that you find the design beautiful and love the quality of the mat. I hope it will serve you well. 🙏🏻💜✨
Vlaďka –
Harryho jsem si musela pořídit k Nickovi 😀🩷Aby nebyl jedináček 😍😀Oodložka je naprosto senzační ,zamiluje si ji každý je protiskluzová ,lehká a moje kolena a zápěstí jsou jako v bavlnce 🩷🙏🏻Pokud přemýšlíte zda si ji pořídit ,tak za mě rozhodně doporučuji 🩷🙏🏻A věřte,že když budete cvičit v parcích jako já ,budete středem pozornosti 😍je totiž nejkrásnější na světě 😍🩷
Katerina –
Moc děkujeme i za druhé review! 🌸💕 Takové krásné a jsme moc rádi, že se podložka líbí i kolemjdoucím a že není Nick sám 😁.
Soo Wong –
I am in love with Harry the yogi travel mat, love the luxurious feel of the soft surface and great grip. With Harry in downward dog, it makes me happy to practice especially on my lazy days, Harry is such a motivator😍 My doggy loves the mat too, he keeps going on the mat and rolling on it. Thanks Kate!
Katerina –
We are so thrilled that you love your mat, Soo, thank you for leaving a review! We appreciate it.