Yoga mat Circé - suede surface

9 Reasons a Yoga Mat Will Enhance Your Yoga Practice

You can practice yoga on different surfaces, but which one is the best? A yoga mat is among the most popular surfaces because it is comfortable and provides good traction. There are many reasons to use a yoga mat, even if you’re practicing outside on the grass or a hardwood floor. Yoga mats provide cushioning …

EU yoga mat

The Niyamas – finding your true self living in accordance with it

Niyamas Welcome to another post from our series about Yoga. In our last article, we have focused on Yamas, a set of rules that yogis aspire to live in unison with in relation to the outer world. Today’s article is dedicated to Niyamas. Another 5 rules for a yogic lifestyle. However, niyamas help us with …

Yoga practice

The Yamas – discovering the truth and kindness within ourselves

Today’s post will talk about Yamas – the ethical rules within Hinduism and Yoga that can help us live a happier life. As we hinted last month, practicing yoga does not only involve physical practice (Asana). Quite the contrary, Asanas only form 1/8 of yoga and are accompanied by the Yamas and Niyamas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, …