
Why Should You Include Shavasana In Your Yoga Practice? Top 8 Benefits

After a long day of work (and before you get to work the following day), you probably want to unwind by doing yoga. Doing so will also let you relax both mind and body. But have you ever experienced Shavasana? It is when you hold the final pose of your yoga session and done in …

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana – The Mermaid Pose

The mermaid pose is named after mermaids; they are mystical creatures, the princesses of seas and oceans. Together with their male counterparts, the mermen, they form the merfolk—an underwater kingdom. According to myths, the first mermaid to ever live was the Assyrian Goddess Atargatis. Atargatis accidentally killed a mortal man she loved. To punish herself, …

Yoga mat Circé - suede surface

9 Reasons a Yoga Mat Will Enhance Your Yoga Practice

You can practice yoga on different surfaces, but which one is the best? A yoga mat is among the most popular surfaces because it is comfortable and provides good traction. There are many reasons to use a yoga mat, even if you’re practicing outside on the grass or a hardwood floor. Yoga mats provide cushioning …


What is anxiety

Anxiety is a word you might have heard countless times during the last two years. Firstly in relation to the global coronavirus pandemic of COVID-19. And more recently in relation to the situation that the world is finding itself to be in.  As soon as restrictions, which were introduced in many countries in response to …

EU yoga mat

The Niyamas – finding your true self living in accordance with it

Niyamas Welcome to another post from our series about Yoga. In our last article, we have focused on Yamas, a set of rules that yogis aspire to live in unison with in relation to the outer world. Today’s article is dedicated to Niyamas. Another 5 rules for a yogic lifestyle. However, niyamas help us with …

Yoga practice

The Yamas – discovering the truth and kindness within ourselves

Today’s post will talk about Yamas – the ethical rules within Hinduism and Yoga that can help us live a happier life. As we hinted last month, practicing yoga does not only involve physical practice (Asana). Quite the contrary, Asanas only form 1/8 of yoga and are accompanied by the Yamas and Niyamas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, …